Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs passes away!

I write this with a heavy heart and a mournful soul, that Steve Jobs, father of all things Apple, and undoubtedly the most innovative & remarkable personality in the field of Business & Technology, has passed away earlier this morning. Steve was suffering from Pancreatic Cancer, and had only very recently resigned from Apple as Chairman & CEO.

During the 56 years of his incredible life, his work and his vision at Apple, Pixar, and NeXT has essentially shaped the way we look at things and perceive & use technology today. I would not be exaggerating when I say that he was personally responsible for revolutionizing the Computer Age by introducing such important concepts & products such as Graphical User Interface for computers (Apple Lisa in 1983), TrueType and Sans Serif fonts usage, Licensed Digital Music Revolution (iTunes Music Store), Portable Music Players (iPod family), the coolest Operating System around (Mac OS), bringing on the Smartphone Era (iPhone & iOS), and the Tablet Revolution (iPad), just to name a few.

In simple words, even if you have never owned a single Apple product, Steve's contributions towards consumer computer technology and innovation still made our lives infinitely better and that much more wonderful. Rest in peace, Steve! You will be dearly missed... :(
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